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Be Better Together
Relationship Counseling
Providence's marriage counselor
Marriage & Family Therapist
couples counselor in Providence, RI
Counseling For Couples
Married But Lonely

You have a great marriage.  At least this is what most people think and some friends and

family have even commented on how good it looks to them.  Yet, your not so sure.  In fact, for

some time now you have had a bad feeling about the whole situation.  You'r not sure when it

began or if this is just a normal low in the relationship, but you have a real strong sense that something is missing.  You can just feel it.

  • You find yourself and your partner just going through the motions. 

  • You're married but lonely.  

  • You take on a lion's share of the responsibility when your already maxed out. 

  • Every attempt to address this issue ends flat or sets off another argument.

  • You notice old patterns that are no longer fulfilling or useful.  

  • One person typically presses as the other pulls away leaving both frustrated.


Yet, you're not ready to give up, it still matters to you, yet you feel heavy and hopeless.

You want to be able to actually communicate without it always turning into an argument.

You want to feel heard and understood, like you and your partner are a team again.

Imagine feeling connected, just like you did in the beginning.


And you can.  Right here, Right now. 

3 Tools to Help Your Marriage Right Now

The urge to do something is probably pretty pressing.  I can relate to that.  You are here, now, at this site for couples and reading a possible solution.  That took courage and I would like to make it worth your effort.

This video is the first in the series of looking at ways to improve relationships starting with a unique tool which has been highly praised by those I work with. Especially with those whose lives are busy making it difficult to connect. 

Continuing in the Making It Better together framework, this presentation offers you a way to begin to look at your behavioral patterns for ways to improve automatic responses (behaviors and habits) that often result in less than desired outcomes.​

Ever have a moment where you meant well, but it appeared that you some how missed the mark in communicating with a loved one, child or friend? Take a look at a way to engage more fully by understanding this technique.

Free Tools
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